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CCSS Interactive Learning

Welcome to CCSS Interactive Learning - on-line training in OpenVMS. The site is continually being updated and new courses being developed. We are proud to announce the completion of our OpenVMS Basic Program - a four course program as an introduction to OpenVMS.

Along with the completion of the CCSS Interactive Learning OpenVMS Basic Program we are now offering certificates for each course as well as the program as a whole. Visit the page describing the certificate program for more details.

To keep up to date on the site's progress join the CCSS Interactive Learning Email List!

CCSS Interactive Learning is an environment built for you, the student. The emphasis of the courses we offer is on OpenVMS, the world's best production operating system, originally developed by Digital Equipment Corporation, later enhanced by Compaq Computer Corporation, and now with continued support and development by Hewlett-Packard Company and VMS Software, Inc. which has taken on the task of supporting new hardware and plans to port OpenVMS to the Intel X86-64 hardware environment. Our goal is to offer effective training in OpenVMS and related products to users anywhere in the world who have access to the World Wide Web.

The courses offered here are complete. You need nothing more than your web browser and a telnet connection to complete each and every one of the courses we offer. We provide the self-paced environment, the computer resources and the terminal access. In addition we provide extended documentation, tutorial services and testing with individual feedback on each test by one of our experts.

Course certificates are awarded to those who complete the test for a given course with a score greater than 90% correct and average less than 30 seconds per question.

For those interested in extended study beyond the courses we offer there is a selection of literature which relates to the OpenVMS environment or computing in general.

In addition we offer links to materials which can make your use of OpenVMS via a personal computer easier and more fulfilling. These include robust terminal emulators and replacement keyboards.

Please, explore our site and investigate a course. All courses are currently available at no cost.

FREE OpenVMS Training!


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 Charon-VAX and Charon-AXP Emulators - HP Supported

© 2000 - 2008 -- CCSS, William A. Pedersen

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